Dr. Daniela Täuber

Scientific CV

Since Dec. 2019 Senior Postdoc & Head of Team BioPOLIM in the Department of Microscopy, Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology & Institute of Physical Chemistry, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany; Working on Research Projects & on Habilitation
Oct. 2022 - Mar. 2024 Deputy Professorship of Photonic Nanomaterials (80-25%), Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Oct. 2017 - Sept. 2019 Senior Postdoc in Dept. of Quantum Detection at the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany; Work on instrument funding & external measurements
Since Oct. 2017 Focus on implementation and further development of polarization resolved fluorescence microscopy and complementing label-free nanoscale infrared spectroscopy methods (NanIR) for biomedical research and innovation (so far topics related to modification of Actin structures in infection, antimicrobial resistance and age-related degeneration of human retina)
Sept. 2014 - Sept. 2017 Postdoc in the Single Molecule Spectroscopy Group of Ivan Scheblykin, Lund University, Sweden (10/2014 - 04/2016 Personal Research Grant DFG-TA 1049/1; continued by Scholorship from Lund University; She focused on the investigation of photophysics and micro and nano-structure of conjugated polymers for organic photovoltaics using 2-dimensional polarization imaging (2D POLIM), and continued a project on investigation of early aggregation of GFP-labeled human-alpha-synuclein in models of Parkinson’s disease ex vivo)
Nov. 2011 - Aug. 2014 Postdoc in the groups “Optical Spectroscopy and Molecular Physics” and “Experimental Sensorics,” Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany (due to family reasons she remained in the group focusing on understanding structure and dynamics in thin liquid crystal films, for which she developed an application of FCS at mirror interfaces enabling a vertical resolution below 100 nm. After the retirement of her supervisor in 2012, she continued her research under Michael Schulz, the deputy head of the group Sensorics and Cognition Psychology, which had been initiated by Christian von Borczyskowski, and where she also engaged in teaching)
Oct. 2011 Doctoral Thesis "Characterization of heterogeneous diffusion in confined soft matter" Advisor: Prof. Christian von Borczyskowski, Optical Spectroscopy and Molecular Physics, Chemnitz University of Technology; Final grade: "magna cum laude"
2009 - 2010 DAAD/MinCyT DA0807 "Controlling Dynamic Properties of Ultra-thin Polymer Films via Photoactive Molecules“ including 4 months research stay in Buenos Aires
Oct. 2006 Re-entered professional life by starting a PhD project at TU Chemnitz, Germany using single molecule tracking (SMT) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to study diffusion and intermolecular forces in confined soft matter in the Optical Spectroscopy and Molecular Physics Group of Christian von Borczyskowski
1994 - 2006 Childcare and honorary work (children born 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000)
1992 - 1994 Secondary School Assistant Teaching (Referendariat). Second State Exam (2. Staatsexamen)
1986 - 1991 Studies of Physics and Mathematics at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (Lehramt Gymnasien M/Ph). First State Exam (1. Staatsexamen)
born in Nürnberg, birth name März, four children


08/2024 - 07/2027 Research Project HiResi4RPE funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG-TA 1049/4): High-resolution fluorescence lifetime and infrared spectroscopic characterization of pathogenic retinal pigment epithelium cell organelles at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena in collaboration with Rainer Heintzmann, Department of Microscopy, Leibniz-IPHT & Martin Hammer, Experimental Ophthalmology Group, Jena University Hospital.
10/2022 - 09/2023 Project pintXsum, Profilline Light, FSU Jena: Photo-INduced Thermal eXpansion of rough SUrface Morphologies and its impact on mid IR photo-induced force microscopy (PiF-IR) together with Christin David, Institute of Theoretical Solid State Physics and Optics, FSU Jena.
06/2020 - 05/2024 Research Project Live2DPOLIM funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG-TA 1049/2): Live Cell 2D polarization imaging (Live2DPOLIM) – an imaging technique for observation of nanoscale protein aggregation and molecular (re-)arrangements in live cells, at the Leibniz-IPHT in the Department of Microscopy headed by Rainer Heintzmann.
12/2019 - 05/2020 Postdoctoral Scholarship by the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena: POLIRIM: Fortführung von grundlegenden Untersuchungen mit polarisationsaufgelöster IR-Spektroskopie und photo-induzierter Rasterkraftmikroskopie (PiFM) für biomedizinische Anwendung (Continued fundamental investigation using polarization resolved IR spectroscopy and photo-induced force microscopy for biomedical application) in the Nanoimaging (Nanobiophotonics) Group of Rainer Heintzmann at the FSU Jena; funding in the context of Thuringia's program for support of female junior researchers and junior artists.
01/2020 - 09/2021 Main contribution to infrastructure funding application BiopolarSpec: Entwicklung neuartiger Gesundheitstechnologien zur Detektion pathologischer Veränderungen und zur Visualisierung lokaler Therapieeffizienz mittels photonisch polarisierbarer, biologischer Spezies und photoinduzierter Rasterkraftmikroskopie (Development of novel health technologies for the detection of pathological changes and for the visualization of local therapy efficiency by means of photonically polarizable, biological species and photo-induced atomic force microscopy) for Heidemarie Schmidt, Dept. Quantum Detection, Leibniz-IPHT, funded by the Thuringian Ministry for Economy, Science and Digital Society (TMWWDG) & the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE).
05 - 06/2018 Laserlab Europe Access Grant LLC002451: Investigation of apical f-actin aggregation in healthy and cholestatic liver tissue using 2D polarisation imaging to Lund Laser Center SMS group of Ivan Scheblykin together with Adrian Press, head of Nanophysiology Group, University Hospital Jena. Receiving funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 654148 Laserlab-Europe.
08/2016 Host institution for Laserlab Europe Access Grant LLC002269: Characterization of photoluminescence spectra and local polarization properties of YMnO3 thin films on substrates with and without metallic bottom electrode and spectral investigation of luminescence from resistively switched YMnO3 in collaboration with Heidemarie Schmidt, Nanospintronics, TU Chemnitz, Germany. Receiving funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 654148 Laserlab-Europe (wrote also the proposal).
10/2014 - 03/2016 Personal Research Grant from the German Science Foundation (DFG-TA 1049/1): 2D polarisation resolved optical spectroscopy on macromolecules (conjugated polymers and proteins) in different environments for investigation of conformation, aggregation and energy transfer with the intention to improve organic solar cells, for research in Single Molecule Spectroscopy Group of Ivan Scheblykin, Chemical Physics, Lund University, Sweden. Continuation until 09/2017 with Scholarship from Lund University.
2011 – 2014 Contribution to application for extension of Research Group: DFG-FOR 877: From Local Constraints to Macroscopic Transport involving research groups from TU Chemnitz, University of Leipzig and TU Dresden, Germany.
2009 – 2010 Joint research project DAAD-Proalar/MinCyT DA0807: Controlling Dynamic Properties of Ultra-thin Polymer Films via Photoactive Molecules with Photochemistry Group, Chemistry Department, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Since 2022 Member in European Union Cost Action Ca21111 OneHealthDrugs.

2008-2017 Intitiating Board Member of the Regensburger Symposium: Wissenschaft im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Entscheidungen und Weltanschauungen (academia in the context of societal decisions and world views), Speaker: Christiane Thim-Mabrey, German linguistics, Universität Regensburg.

2014–2017 Representative from Sweden in European Union Cost Action MP1302 Nanospectroscopy (Member since 2013).

2013 Suggestion & organization of a focussed session Van der Waals at soft matter interfaces: structure and dynamics at the spring conference of the german physical society (DPG) in Regensburg together with Karin Jacobs, Saarland University.


Reviewing Activity

Member of

DPG logo Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
DGfB logo Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik
EPS logo European Physical Society
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